Aggressive dog behavior is not always recognized. Many people only recognize the major aggression problems, but some smaller aggression in dogs goes by unnoticed or at least accepted. But dominant and alpha behavior in dogs should be corrected.
Dogs depend on humans for their food and to open doors for them, etc. But if the dog becomes demanding, then he feels he is the dominant one, and this is where dog aggression starts. If he is not stopped he will continue developing aggressive behavior over time, which can become a very serious problem.
Not all aggressive dogs bite or growl. They can have more subtle aggressive behavior, such as being stubborn and demanding. They might refuse to obey you and insist on getting their way. They might jump on your lap without being called, or nudge you to play with them. They might whine or bark at you when they want something. All these are signs of aggressive behavior.
Aggressive dog behavior, if left untreated, will develop over time. Your dog will become more and more dominant, and he might start acting out more aggressively. We all know that this is not only stressful, but dangerous as well. Dog attacks are not uncommon, and are known to happen with family dogs that have been in the family for years.
Dogs are supposed to obey your command and follow you, not the other way around. When a dog is making you do what he wants, there is something wrong with that picture. You have to become the leader again and put a stop to his aggressive dog behavior in order to avoid a major catastrophe. We love our dogs, and I cannot think of a worse scenario than if one of my dogs injured someone and I would have to give him up.
A dog trainer is very expensive. Also, the dog trainer will train your dog, but you need as much training as the dog, so you can learn how to become the dominant one. You need to learn how to regain the command of your dog, so he will recognize you as the leader.
Here is the #1 method I recommend that will really help you put an end to your dog’s aggressive behavior.
This method is guaranteed to help you and your dog with his aggressive dog behavior.
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