An aggressive dog is not a happy, well adjusted dog. He can also cause you a lot of stress and embarrassment. Aggressive dogs are hard to take to the park or even for a walk without creating trouble. They are a nuisance when you have people over, as they might jump on them and become very annoying. In short, you are putting up with a lot of behavior that is stressful and embarrassing at least, and which can also become a huge problem if the dog acted out and injured someone.
All aggressive dogs don’t necessarily have the most obvious signs of aggression, such as biting and growling. But they might be demonstrating some more subtle signs. Aggressive dog behavior tends to escalate with time. You should become aware of any minor signs of aggression, which could in time become a real problem.
There are many demonstrations of dog aggression which sometimes go unnoticed or unattended. Some of these behaviors include:
- Jumping or putting their paws on you
- Barking or “talking” to you when they want something
- Pulling you on the lead and “taking you for a walk”
- Demanding and nudging you to pet him or play with him
Small dogs get away with even more aggressive behavior because of their size and weight. They are not perceived as harmful when they pull you or jump on you or sleep on your pillow. These are all signs of aggression. In the dog world, they may be small, but they are still aggressive, and still a potential problem for you.
So what are your options?
You could hire a trainer. Besides being expensive he would only solve half of the problem, as he would only train the dog. You see, both the dog and you need training. You need to learn how to become the leader and take charge, so that the dog will obey you. There will be things you will need to learn how to lead effectively.
You should stop aggressive dog behavior so you can enjoy your dog a lot more and have a much better relationship with him. You will both be happier if you learn to be his leader. You will also put an end to the stress and embarrassment of having an aggressive dog who could potentially also harm someone.
Here is the #1 recommended method of dog training which has helped hundreds of thousands with their dog’s aggressive behavior.
This method is guaranteed to help you and your dog with his aggressive dog behavior.
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